Sunday, October 30, 2011

Quick Beer Bread

Need a hearty bread to make with a warm, comforting stew this Fall?  Try a quick beer bread!!

Beer bread is commonly known as "3-ingredient" beer bread, but mine is not.  It could be, if I had some self-rising flour, but I don't; I made do by adding a leavening agent (baking powder).

Quick Beer Bread
Beer bread is soooo easy.  You can use any type of beer you like.  I used a Coors Banquet Beer because it's what I had in the house.  Wanna give it a go?  Here's what you'll need:

Quick Beer Bread
3 C flour**
3t baking powder**
1 1/2  t salt**
3 T sugar
12 oz beer (1 can)

**You can replace these ingredients with 3 cups self-rising flour if you have it in your pantry**

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix dry ingredients, add beer.
Combine well.
Bake in a bread pan for approximately 50 minutes.

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